Still, it's a good idea to look a little deeper too. “It’s important to look out for the source of fat in recipes,” says Beth Warren, R.D.N., founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Living a Real Life with Real Food. “Your goal is to choose fats that do not promote inflammation and are more anti-inflammatory.”

When you can, she recommends looking for avocado or olive oils over vegetable oils. Nuts are a good ingredient to look for, too, Warren says, since they’re usually packed with nutrients and can help fill you up.
Keeping those guidelines in mind, here are dozens of delicious keto recipes to try on your own.
There's a mix of everything here—from "treat yo'self" fancy dinners to quick, on-the-go meals or snacks, so you'll never get bored.
Keto Recipes Under 5 Carbs That You'll Love!
When you are on a keto diet, and trying to lose your weight fast, staying under the carb is more difficult for us. Today, I’m sharing some delicious and healthy keto recipes under 5 carbs that are best for your meals.
Lunch, Dinner, Snack all these things you are trying to eat healthily and keto-approved low carb recipes but sometimes you are facing many problems to decide which recipes are keto-friendly and low in carb. Right? But the question is which amount of carbs we need to say a dish “Low Carb Dinner or something else“? And the perfect answer is 5g carb (in my opinion). Don’t Worry! Here you can find some healthy and easy to make keto recipes that are under 5g net carbs.
If you are losing your fat fast, these keto recipes are perfect for your meals and help to burn your fat. Even, these meals are safe to eat on a daily basis. So let’s jump to these easy recipes and enjoy your meals. I give a collection of keto meals with under 5g of net carbs which can really impress you.
Try 40+ Keto Recipes and let me know in the comment box!