What is Shapewear?

Shapewear is an undergarment that uses targeted compression to help shape your body. It can be worn under clothing as an extra layer of smoothing or shaping power, or even on its own as body-hugging pieces that show off your curves while still maintaining an overall slimming effect.

Shapewear is made to help you flatten your tummy and sculpt your shape no matter your body type.

How to Choose the Right Shapewear

Finding the right shapewear for your body type, weight, and preferences is key to not only achieving the right fit, but ensuring you stick with it. There are several things to consider when selecting the right piece, including:

Compression: Choose a product with the right amount of compression so that you don’t feel constricted or uncomfortable in your shapewear. KWWK Shape Wear, specifically, is made of fabric that is breathable, elastic, and comfortable, which makes people more relaxed.

Body Shapes: Different pieces of shapewear can be beneficial depending on the shape of your body. For example, high-waisted briefs may be great for women with larger hips, while a full-body shaper can be ideal for those looking to reduce their waist size. When shopping for your perfect fit, be sure reference the features, specifications, and (importantly!) the size chart.

Clothing Type: Different shapewear works better depending on what type of clothing you plan to wear it with. For example, a control brief may work well with high-waisted pants or skirts, while a full-body suit is perfect for bodycon dresses and jumpsuits. Even some underwear, like the KWWK Essentials Collection, has built in shapewear and support. 

Shapewear FAQs

How long can you wear shapewear?

We recommend wearing them all day long just as you would your undergarments. This is the most effective way to contour your body while losing weight. If you are beginning your journey with shape wear, take the initial time to build your stamina.

What is a gusset in shapewear?

A gusset is a triangle-shaped piece of fabric that is found in the crotch area of many shapewear garments. It provides extra support, flexibility, and breathability to ensure maximum comfort and wearability.

It also helps prevent any uncomfortable bunching or pinching that can occur when wearing form-fitting clothing.

What is open gusset shapewear?

Open gusset shapewear is a type of garment that has an opening in the crotch area, making it easier and more comfortable to use the restroom. There are various styles available, from high-waisted panties to full body suits.

Does shapewear actually change your shape?

It helps to shape and contour your body while losing weight. You get the instant gratification of getting snatched immediately. Take Gleydis’ word for it!

“You need to get it TODAY. Colombian Faja gives me the snatching body I’ve always wanted. It tights up your stomach, giving you a lift and providing perfect posture as you walk down your city looking like a goddess. I recommend 100%!”

Photo with white outfit is without the Faja & the outfit with jeans is with the Faja.


Can you wear shapewear when pregnant?

Most experts do not recommend wearing shapewear while pregnant, as it can cause discomfort and excessive heat around the midsection. That said, it is great practice to wear Shape Wear post-partum to kick start the reshaping of your body. It’s always best to discuss issues relating to pregnancy with your doctor.

Keisha Gibson